Friday, March 20, 2020

New Kiva Loan

Cirila is 56 years old and lives in San Antonio de la Balsa, San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Perú. She earns her living growing organic coffee here. Cirila will invest the loan in weeding, pruning and buying manure for her coffee crops. This will increase and improve the quality of her production for the next coffee season generating income which will allow her to improve her quality of living.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

New Kiva Loan

 I am glad that Kiva lets me loan to someone in the United States.

Doretha is an elderly grandmother who is trying to live independently in her home. Doretha is surviving on a fixed income, but has done very well with maintaining her expenses and ensuring that she does not over-extend herself financially.

Despite this, due to her fixed income, she has had difficulty trying to secure the remaining funds needed to replace her roof. The roof is currently well past its expected life and is currently in poor shape. She currently has some funds available, but not enough to fully complete her project.

She is hoping that SELF and Kiva will help her secure a loan that will fit into her tight budget to pay for the remainder of her project.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New Kiva Loan

Monicah is the true definition of a hard worker and a happy mother. She is a farmer in Eldoret, Kenya, growing maize, raising poultry and engaging in dairy farming.

She produces milk and eggs for commercial purposes as opposed to many rural farmers who produce for subsistence. Monicah also grows maize for food and sales. These commercial activities place her in a better position to engage in other agricultural businesses that she does.

She has been in the farming business for at least 10 years and has no plans to quit, as she finds farming to be not only fulfilling but also lucrative. However, her biggest challenges are the poor road network and the lack of a market.

Monicah is seeking a loan from Kiva lenders via Juhudi Kilimo to construct a cow shed. This will help significantly in managing the animals’ health and hygiene. The cow shed will later come in handy when she scales up and introduces zero-grazing.

The long-term impact is an increase in productivity and improved animal health. The additional income from this development will go to her children’s education. Kindly lend to a Kenyan farmer with great dreams!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Kiva Loan

Annita is from Uganda.

Annita, born 40 years ago, is a female Ugandan who lives in Naluvule-Wakiso district. She is a proud mother of 3 children aged 15, 10 and 8 years respectively. As most women, she had viable business ideas but had no knowledge on how to initiate and sustain viable business activities, not until she joined Ugafode and attained training on how to manage profitable business activities.

She appreciates the support of funders who funded her previous 5 loans of 2,000,000 UGX, 3,000,000 UGX (2 times), 4,000,000 UGX and 5,000,000 UGX, respectively. She now wants another loan of 5,000,000 UGX to restock her business with beauty products, now that the customer base has increased because of her exceptional customer service.

I chose this loan because Shallon, my Compassion daughter in Uganda, left the program to start her own beauty business and while I can't give to her, maybe I can help this woman.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why no new letters?

Compassion has asked that we not publish information about our kids on line, so I am no longer publishing the letters I receive, but I will continue to post information about new Kiva loans.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

New Kiva Loan

Nadia is from Lebanon.

Nadia is a 47-year-old married mother of seven children. She is acquiring this loan to pay the school tuition fees for two of her children featured with her in the picture.

The loan is part of Al Majmoua's Back to School program, designed to finance school expenses such as books, stationery, transportation and fees for students with low family incomes. Funds can be used for partial or complete payment of school expenses.

By supporting this loan, you're enabling access to education for students with limited options. Nadia hopes to stay capable of providing her children with their necessary living needs and developing their social situation.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sad Changes

I have not written here in awhile.  There have been some sad changes in my sponsorships.

First, after a year or more negotiating with the Indian government, the government went ahead with its plans to oust all GMOs working with children. So despite its assurances that no child was forced to become Christian to benefit from the program, it was ousted with the rest and there are more than 1,000 grieving sponsors for having lost their children.

Anjali was the first child I sponsored, when she was a small child.  She has grown into a lovely 13 year old and I was looking forward to continue to follow her to adulthood and graduation from the program.  Now all contact with her has been cut off.

In addition Venkanna, whom I did not sponsor, but was writing to, has also left the program because of the India ruling.  He was also a good writer and drew me lovely photos.  I will miss him as well.

While dealing with the loss of Anjali and Venkanna, I also received word that Brayan, our sponsored child in Honduras, had left the program for reasons they don't really understand.  He just has not attended the program for two months and they finally had to drop him. 

I chose Brayan because i had read a book called "Enrique's Journey," which told in great detail about the problems of children in Honduras and what they go through trying to get out of that country to some place save (hence they become illegal aliens here).  The Enrique of the book left Honduras, looking for his mother, who had left the family years before trying to find a way to help the family back in Honduras financially.

I felt guilty at the end of the book and knew I could not make any difference in Honduras, but knew I could make a difference in the life of one child.  So we sponsored Brayan, who was just a wonderful kid who wrote long, descriptive letters that I will miss terribly.

Friday, December 30, 2016

new Kiva loan

Putting my money where my mouth is.  I have many times expressed concern about the lack of sanitation facilities for people.  Now I've found someone who wants a loan to make life cleaner for her family.

Sati is in Indonesia.  She is 31 years old, married, and has two daughters. Sati has been selling vegetables such as carrots, spinach, tomatoes, chilies, and others for ten years. Her husband works very hard, and he has been an employee in the Tangerang District for one year. They would like to improve their living conditions and create happy and healthy lives for their kids.

She has asked for a loan of 6,400,000 IDR from KSPPS BMI. This loan will be used to build a clean sanitation facility at their home to improve access to sanitation for their family. Today her family has no access to a toilet in their home and must rely on the river for bathing. Her family income is insufficient to build toilets, but Sati will be able to repay the loan received.

She and her family want to live a healthy life with clean sanitation. She is very grateful for the opportunity and wants to thank all lenders.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New Kiva Loan

Priscillah from Kenya
Priscillah, at heart, is a resourceful, loving mum. Her motherly love has been enough to show her family that she is willing to work hard to help her family get ahead with excellent values and education.

Priscillah is a smallholder farmer in the Kerugoya area of Kenya. She also does some side hustle business. In the past six years, she has bred more than one dairy cow and has developed her farm.

Because of how much she likes farming, she has even nicknamed one of her cows. She is a very proud farmer, especially when she is milking her cows. Through her dairy cow, she is able to get 5-10 litres a day, and this helps her support her family.

Priscillah also practices crop farming, but she has not been making good profits because of poor farming implements. This is why she is kindly seeking a loan to buy farm implements.

Through the loan, she will be able to buy high-quality seeds, good fertilizer and pesticides that she will use to greatly improve her crop production.

Modern farming requires the use of modern techniques; using high-quality seeds will assure her of a bumper harvest and hence, increased profit levels. Priscillah is visionary and her goal for the season is to boost her crop production and be able to get more crop output than the previous year. All this can be achieved through lenders’ help and goodwill.

Priscillah believes that through the loan, she will turn around her family life and be able to give her children a solid educational background.

Monday, May 16, 2016

New Photo of Mwongela

I am so behind in posting letters here!  But I do have a new photo of Mwongela today.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

New Kiva Loan

Doreen from Kenya

Doreen is kind-hearted, well organized, honest, industrious and entrepreneurial. She is a mother who makes sure her two children never go to bed hungry. She hails from the Ingaa, Chuka area of Kenya. Doreen never got the opportunity to advance her education and get a white-collar job, but this did not kill her dream of wanting to succeed in life.

Doreen has been doing farming for the past six years. Throughout those years, she has gathered much experience and learned important farming techniques. She practices dairy and mixed farming on her farm and through the profits, she has managed to take care of her family's needs and give her children a good education. Doreen believes that education is the key to success.

She is seeking a loan of KES 150,000 to buy seeds and start horticulture farming on her farm, and also to build a modern dairy unit. Doreen wants to take advantage of favorable weather patterns, a good road network in her village, good soil and a ready market for horticulture products, and reap more profits. Through the loan she will be able to build a modern dairy unit, which will help prevent her cow from harsh weather conditions, and also she will have a humble time milking the cows.

Juhudi Kilimo is partnering with Kiva and Kiva lenders to help hardworking women like Doreen to make their farming dreams come to reality through training and loan financing. She hopes that through the loan, she will improve her living conditions. Doreen’s dreams and projections are that by the end of the second quarter in 2016, she will not only be selling in the local market, but will also be selling in international markets through exporting fruits and vegetables. Through this, she will be able to assure her children a secure future and uninterrupted learning, because she will be able to pay tuition fees on time.

Doreen is not a self-centered woman who only thinks of herself. She will also want to impact positively on society. That is why she will employ people to work for her on her horticulture farm and have an impact on society. Be part of this beautiful dream by helping Doreen with the loan she needs. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Letter from Lavenda

Lavenda is a 10 year old from Kenya.  In this letter (she writes herself in English), she has mistaken something I said and thinks that I hope to become a doctor some day.

 Dear Beverly Sykes,

How are you in United States?  Kenya is good, especially the western part where I live.  Thank you for the letters to me.  I was excited to receive many letters from you  The photos of Lacie's celebration were nice.  I was excited to look at them.

I will also pray for your vision of being a doctor.  I also have that vision.  Let us pray for one another.  We shall meet in a
 big hospital treating people.  Our dream is the same. 

God bless yiou.

Read Psalms 23.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Letters from Emilymuendi and James

Emily sends a form letter about her dreams.  She's 5 years old.

Someday I would like to visit the USA
Someday I would like to meet my sponsor
Someday I would like to see my sponsor family and friends
Someday I would like to do my own business
Someday I would like to help my family to do my home chores
Someday I would like to be like a teacher
Someday I would like to meet my sponsor because of her kindness
When I grow up I would like to be a teacher

Emily says she is well and happy to write to you.  She also thanks you for the photos you shared to her  and also loved to hear how you celebrated during birthday.  Also, thank you for the support you have given to her.

James is 10

Dear Beverly Sykes,

How are you? I hope that you are fine.  Here in Kenya, I am fine with my family.  How is the weather there?  The weather here is cold with little rain at night.  I thank God for everything he has done for me and all of us.

My brother is doing his exams and I would like to ask you to pray for him  We are starting our exams next week and my favourite subject is mathematics, English and (? cbe) and please pray for me so that I can pass the exams  I would like to encourage you to read the book of John 14:5.  God bless you.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Photo of Brayan

I received a new picture of Brayan (Honduras) today.  He is growing into a handsome young man.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Letter from Michael

Michael is 7


My Dreams

Someday I would like to visit Mombasa
Someday I would like to meet My sponsor
Someday I would like to see a leopard
Someday I would like to do artwork
Someday I would like to help my family build a good home
Someday I would like to be like my president
Someday I would like to meet my sponsor because she helps me
When I grow up I would like to be a doctor

Michael greets you in the name of the Lord Jesus.  He says he was grateful for the letters you sent him and he was excited at the picture of koala that you sent him.  Michael is grateful for your support to be in the project.  Recently they were given school shoes which excited him, He says God bless you.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Letter from Lovson

Dear Beverly Sykes,

I feel very happy today to write this letter to you!  How are you and your family?  My family and I are very well.  How is your weather?  It is getting cold in my country.  Thanks for your beautiful pictures. 

I always think of where I sleep.  I sleep with my older brother on the same bed.  my favorite activity with my family is singing beautiful songs about the death of Jesus Christ.  I don't know Sudoku game and we don' have this animal in my country.

I had a good summer time.  I played soccer and dominoes.  We swam in the river.  I ate spaghetti, rice and egg. 

We have pure water in my area, but it is from a spring.  We purify it to drink it. 

Thanks for your beautiful book you sent for me.  Pray for me and my family to always be in good health.  May God bless you abundantly.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Many, many letters...

I am so behind.  There were many letters that arrived while we were on our cruise, and many more that have come between our return and Christmas.  Just too many the post here  I hope to start up again in the new year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Letter from Brayan

God bless you, Beverly Sykes,

I'm very happy to receive your letters and pictures.  Thank you for sending me pictures of your family.  I'm glad that Briana can play in a concert.  I want to tell you that I don't know what kind of job my mom would like to have because I have never asked her. I will ask her. 

I know a town called El Salio but I haven't seen the water fall.  My mom doesn't let me go out often.

I am glad you are with your granddaughter and having fun with all your grandchildren.  I'm glad that you have been with your husband for 50 years.  I know that I'm a miracle from God and that he watches over me.  Yes, I see the moon sometimes and it is beautiful and yes, we are watching the same moon.  Yes, it must be amazing to watch the earth from the moon.  It must be exciting. 

I like talking a lot and I like to watch TV.  The birthday cake looks beautiful.  I made a cup and it has candy inside and I also made a beautiful card.

We did a lot of activities related to Mother's Day at school.  We sang, said poems and tere were dramas and choreographies.  I want to tell you that I'm in 6th grade and we finished the 3rd partial and I got good grades.  God willing I will start the 4th partial.

Beverly Sykes, how often do you meet with your friends?  What do you like most about your husband?  I will keep praying for you and your family that you can stay together and happy.  I ask you to pray for me that I finish my studies so I can take care of my mother.  I send you hugs and kisses through the distance.  I hope to hear from you soon.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; Defend the rights of the poor and needy." - Proverbs 31:8-9

Monday, December 21, 2015

New Kiva Loan

I decided that I would help someone in the U.S. this time.

Osmiry has been in business for the past two years. She is originally from the Dominican Republic and is the proud owner of JJO Transport LLC, a transportation and trucking business that does long-haul delivery jobs for dry goods.

Osmiry moved to Perth Amboy and quickly obtained her first job as a school bus driver. Osmiry learned about the trucking business from when a friend of hers asked her to fill in as a helper with one of her trucks. After a year of helping, she took a position as a full-time driver. She saved as much as possible in order to purchase her first truck at the beginning of 2015.

Over the last two years, Osmiry has grown her business so that it employs four people, all of whom are proud parents and community members. Her business now contracts with Amazon, and this Kiva loan will help Osmiry put another truck on the road and hire another driver, which will increase the impact her business has on the community. It will also help her business continue to thrive so that she can support her fiance and two children at home.