Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shallon and Leniel

I returned home from Santa Barbara to find the introductory packet for Leniel (my new correspondence child) and a nice letter from Shallon, written January 1. Leniel's packet was just a repeat of what I posted earlier, but this is Shallon's letter:

Dear my mother in Christ, Beverly Sykes,

I first thank God who has given me this chance to communicate with you. How are you and how is your life? Back to me, I am okey, doing my works in these holidays. I am very proud of you and your family members of sending me another calendar, Washington and Christmas card. I think you very much because you give me a gift of Christmas. This gift I bought the following items:


I bought these items in the money you have sent to me.

How was Christmas? Back to me, Christmas was very good. I request for prayers from you because I am going in another step. I send my warmly greetings to your mother, Peach, Ned, Kathy. But how is Kathy's lungs?

I would like to ask you a question. Write in full [she has something here that looks like a Delta followed by a C--I don't know what that means].

I am very glad to hear that you and your husband attended the wedding of your cousin.

In another calendar you have sent to me I would like to ask you a question: what do you celebrate on April 19th because it is highlighted and what do you know by the word Hanukkah, 21st December.

Thank you for sending me the photo of your president. I would like to send you a verse. It is in 1 Peter Chapter 3, Verse 8. [I looked it up. It is Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.]

I thank you for everything you have sent for me. Let me stop here.

Yours loving daughter Katsuiime Shallon

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