Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Got a wonderful new photo of Esther today.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fred and Emmanuella

Yippee...letters from Fred and from Emmanuella. It was my first letter from Emmanuella, who actually filled out a special form that helps her write. I learned the names of her family kembers and her best friend. I know she lives in a town and that her best game is "amps" and favorite color is blue.

Then she writes, "thank you for sponsoring me. I am the second born of my parents. Are you also a second born? I pray that God will lift you high and bless your work. Pray that God should give me knowledge and understanding in my studies."

As for Fred, his mother's letter reads:

Dear Auntie Sykes:

Have a blessed day, hope and pray that you are doing great in the Lord. We're thankful for the post card that you have sent for Fred. He likes very much. They have many colors.

Right now Fred is enjoying his schooling. He is excited to go to school every day. But it said that first day of his school, Fred's cry because his pencil, crayon get the other student. But in spite he continue to go to school.

By the way, what is your favorite book in the Bible? Fred was so happy to go to the center every day to learn bible stories and characters. He is faithful every sunday. Kindly pray for his schooling this year.

God Bless You!

Lyra Cardinal

Guess I'm going to have to find a favorite bible book!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


How delightful to receive a letter from Anjali today!

This was the first letter she's written by herself, though it contains all the same pictures she draws every time. The letter reads.

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Greetings to you in the almighty name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am fine. I hope you are also fine there. How's your health? We are in summer season. How is your season?

Her part ends here and the translator's part begins, some of it clarifying what Anjali had written:

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Anjali sends greetings to you in the Almighty name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. She says she is fine. She asks how you are? She asks how is your health? She asks how is your family members? She says she is in summer season. She says she draws some pictures above. She says she completed her academic year, and now she is in new class and new teacher. She says which you sent her finger paint photo that is very nice and beautiful. She says she is very happy for her photo. Her words are very cute to listen. She says thank you for your loving letter and support.

On behalf of M. Anjali

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mail Day!

I wrote letters to each of my 10 compassion kids today, adding a little thing for each of them, whether a book or stickers or soccer cards or whatever seemed appropriate for the child. I decided I want to get a small story book and send a chapter a letter to Shallon in Uganda, since she reads English (and is 18 years old).

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


There were two letters from Esther, one a day after the other. The first promised photos which were not included in the envelope. But when the second envelope came, there they were!

With her 10 month old nephew

With her cousin

With her school friends

With her sister and brother
(or it might be her cousin and brother; not sure!)

To Beverly Sykes,

I am writing to tell you how I am doing. Within 2 days after I write this letter I am going to do the 2nd semester exam. I hope I'll do it well and I also pray that God will be with me. It will end next wee. Then we will celebrate the 60th school anniversary.

Before the exams I got a task to be one of the Red Cross member in the flag ceremony on May 2nd. You can see my photo - I enclosed photos with my family, too. It was after Church in Jakarta.

My favourite music is pop. I like a song with title Rainbow of His Love (Pelangi Kasth Hya) What is your plan on this holiday?

My love regards. I am happy to receive your photo, letter, the bible marker, and the colouring paper.

May God always bless you.

And the second letter

To Beverly Sykes.

I'm glad to receive your letters. Today is the fifth day I have been joining the final exam. I have been joining the final exam on this last (2nd) semester. I'll complete it in these next two days. I wait for it.

The school holiday is coming soon. It's my favourite thing. We plan to visit mother's sister, who is ill. Her house is quite far from our town. It is in Bandung. We need 10 hours to get there. It will be exhausting. Please always pray for me that I'll pass to the next grade on good marks.

Regards with love from me to you.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I was surprised to hear from little Henrique so soon. He is only 4, so he doesn't write letters, but he did make this nice picture for me.

The letter also included information about him -- he's 4 years old and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He likes playing with cars, his favorite food is spaghetti, his favorite thing in school is drawing, his favorite animal is a cat, his favorite color is orange and his beat friend is Pedro.

There was also information about his family, which consists of two parents, two sisters and two brothers.

His message to me (which I suspect is not his message to me!) is "Thank you for sponsoring me! God bless you!"