Saturday, February 28, 2015

Letter from Leniel

Dated 10/8/14

My Holidays/School break

1. My school break is in the months of June-August
2. During my holiday/school break I often go to the beach
3. My favorite food to eat during my holiday is pizza
4. One thing I would like to do during a holiday is know my country

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Hello!  May God bless you!  I thank you very much for sponsoring me and for praying for me and my family. . What do you do on your vacation?  I ask for prayers for my family.  Everything is well here.  Receive kisses!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Letter from Henrique

This is a form letter from Henrique, talking about his hobbies and pets.  

Some of my hobbies are:  to play ball
My favorite hobby is:  To watch TV
At home I have the following pets:S  Cat, Dog
My pet's name is:  Bague
Bible Verse for meditation:  Psalm 23:1

My dear sponsor:  Hello, Sponsor.  Are you well?  I'm sore throat.  I'm almost in vacation.  I enjoy you because you are affectionate.  I want to wish you a happy Christmas and a happy new Year for your famiy.  A kiss.  Luis Henrique

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Letter from Josphat

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Receive much greetings from your sponsored child, Josphat.  He says he is fine together with his family.  "How are you doing together with your family?" he asks.

Josphat appreciates you so much for sponsoring him and for the support that he receives through you.  He also thanks you for the letters that you have been sending to him.

Josphat appreciates you for the photos of Tom and his wife and the others, including that of Tom's cake.  He tells you that there are no sunflowers where he lives.  He says that he is glad to know of Malala Yousafsai and says that her story is very touching.

He informs you that he is progressing well with his studies and kindly requests you to pray for his family and his education.  He tells you that his family passed their regards to you all and ends by saying goodbye.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Letter from Brayan

Blessings, Beverly Sykes,

How are you?  I hope that you are well and i good health next to your family at the time this letter arrives.  I thank you for the five letters that you have sent to me and all the pictures that you sent to me from your family.  Also I t hank you for the notepad that you gave with such love and dedication with the description that your family did.  I am very happy to know you and in the name of Jesus we will continue to be good friends.

My grandmother is in good health.  Let me tell you I live with my mother and my stepdad and my younger brother, named Franklin.  We are only two brothers.

I am playing with a soccer team called Real Zambrano.  I ask you to pray for me so I can do well at the CDC and go more often.  I will pray for your mom, who is 95 years old for sometimes I stay some weeks with my grandmother to take care of her.  Now that I am bigger i do not live with my grandmother but with my mom.

I like burgers and everything it has and I like spicy.  Let me tell you that my countries there are no earthquakes, but only small shakes.  I have felt some shakes, feel a little bit weird because I get dizzy.  In my country, Honduras, it is a little bit concerning because there are bad people and I ask you to pray for my country so it an improve that situation.

At the time i am writing this letter I am well with my family.  Your son Ned, how many children does he have?  Does your mother like flowers?  We will continue praying for you so I an rotect you.  Blessings.  Happy New Year.  Until next time.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Letters from Wainaina and Samuel

Two from Kenya today.  First, from Wainaina (age 17)

Hello, Beverly,

How are you, together with your family.  I hope you are goig on well with life.  I hope you still pray for me.  I do pray for you before I go to sleep.  I'm very happy today and I'm writing these letters today because we are waiting for the day our Christ Jesus was born and we are preparing ourselves for the celebration which will be held at the church. 

I do believe you are doing/having a good time and great time as you are preparing yourselves for the Christmas day, which is nearly here.  Have a good time as you are enjoying yourselves.  May God bless you.

Next from Samuel (age 9).  Samuel's letter was written for him by someone at his project.

 Dear Beverly Sykes,

Samuel greets you in Jesus' name.  He says that he is fine and he thanks you sincerely for the Christmas greetings and wishes you sent him.  He says that the photos you sent him are very nice and that he likes them.  He also thanks you for the letters you sent him.  He appreciates you for that.  "Thank you, my sponsor" he concludes  He also adds that he wishes and prays that God is going to shower you with blessings so that your family prospers both spiritually and economically.  He thanks you dearly for being his sponsor.