Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Letters from Wainaina and Samuel

Two from Kenya today.  First, from Wainaina (age 17)

Hello, Beverly,

How are you, together with your family.  I hope you are goig on well with life.  I hope you still pray for me.  I do pray for you before I go to sleep.  I'm very happy today and I'm writing these letters today because we are waiting for the day our Christ Jesus was born and we are preparing ourselves for the celebration which will be held at the church. 

I do believe you are doing/having a good time and great time as you are preparing yourselves for the Christmas day, which is nearly here.  Have a good time as you are enjoying yourselves.  May God bless you.

Next from Samuel (age 9).  Samuel's letter was written for him by someone at his project.

 Dear Beverly Sykes,

Samuel greets you in Jesus' name.  He says that he is fine and he thanks you sincerely for the Christmas greetings and wishes you sent him.  He says that the photos you sent him are very nice and that he likes them.  He also thanks you for the letters you sent him.  He appreciates you for that.  "Thank you, my sponsor" he concludes  He also adds that he wishes and prays that God is going to shower you with blessings so that your family prospers both spiritually and economically.  He thanks you dearly for being his sponsor.

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