Thursday, February 26, 2015

Letter from Josphat

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Receive much greetings from your sponsored child, Josphat.  He says he is fine together with his family.  "How are you doing together with your family?" he asks.

Josphat appreciates you so much for sponsoring him and for the support that he receives through you.  He also thanks you for the letters that you have been sending to him.

Josphat appreciates you for the photos of Tom and his wife and the others, including that of Tom's cake.  He tells you that there are no sunflowers where he lives.  He says that he is glad to know of Malala Yousafsai and says that her story is very touching.

He informs you that he is progressing well with his studies and kindly requests you to pray for his family and his education.  He tells you that his family passed their regards to you all and ends by saying goodbye.

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