Written 4/26/2012. Much of this refers to questions I'd asked her.
My mother Beverly Syes,
Hi, Honey. How sweet are you! Let me take this opportunity to greet you. Hey, my mother in Christ? How are you and how is your life? Back to me, I am okay. I was very happy to see your letters and how isbaby Lacie? In which part of Uganda did your husband and his sister visited? I don't know much about baseball in America. I have never seen the necklaces like these.
I fetch water for a distance of one kilometer away. I go there every day. No, there is no well around my home.
I can be happy when you come and give me a big hug. In our home we have a newborn kitten. At our school we have reached a topic called British Columbia in geography. It is very hard like we are studying fishing in British Columbia that is very hard.
We are in rainy season. We are planting beans and ground nuts. Have you ever eaten beans? How was Easter?
Keep with that spirit of loving me. I am sending my prayers to you and your family. In our country there is Queen Elizabeth national park. That is how God is great.
I was very surprised and grateful to hear you calling me a super star student and must maintain that you stated. I need your prayers towards my studies because I changed the position in class and last term was 6th out of 35 and now I am 5th out of 39 students. I am sending you my love to you.
In Corinthians, Chapter 1:4 there is thirty sayings so read them. When I am at school, I spend my day studying and when I am at home I spend my day working. When it is time to wake up I hear the bell ring. I wake up and I wash plates and cups and sweeping compound.
How is Polly now? You ask me about my health. How I have improved. I eat beans and bananas. I like to make small children smile.
I remain your daughter Katusiime Shallon.
I also received an updated photo of Shallon.
My mother Beverly Syes,
Hi, Honey. How sweet are you! Let me take this opportunity to greet you. Hey, my mother in Christ? How are you and how is your life? Back to me, I am okay. I was very happy to see your letters and how isbaby Lacie? In which part of Uganda did your husband and his sister visited? I don't know much about baseball in America. I have never seen the necklaces like these.
I fetch water for a distance of one kilometer away. I go there every day. No, there is no well around my home.
I can be happy when you come and give me a big hug. In our home we have a newborn kitten. At our school we have reached a topic called British Columbia in geography. It is very hard like we are studying fishing in British Columbia that is very hard.
We are in rainy season. We are planting beans and ground nuts. Have you ever eaten beans? How was Easter?
Keep with that spirit of loving me. I am sending my prayers to you and your family. In our country there is Queen Elizabeth national park. That is how God is great.
I was very surprised and grateful to hear you calling me a super star student and must maintain that you stated. I need your prayers towards my studies because I changed the position in class and last term was 6th out of 35 and now I am 5th out of 39 students. I am sending you my love to you.
In Corinthians, Chapter 1:4 there is thirty sayings so read them. When I am at school, I spend my day studying and when I am at home I spend my day working. When it is time to wake up I hear the bell ring. I wake up and I wash plates and cups and sweeping compound.
How is Polly now? You ask me about my health. How I have improved. I eat beans and bananas. I like to make small children smile.
I remain your daughter Katusiime Shallon.
I also received an updated photo of Shallon.
I love that she likes to make children smile. What a sweetheart! And that she is 5th in her class, incredible.