Monday, June 24, 2013

Letter from Josphat

This is one of those fill-in forms, this one about his friends.

Some of my friends are Madarake, Saidinou, Leo

Activities I do with my friends:  playing, running

My friends do go to school with me.

My best friend is Leo

He is 7 yrs.  My best friend is special because he is kind.

I met my best friend at our village.  My best friends does not go to the project with me.

There follows a note from Josphat's project worker:

Receive much greetings from your sponsored Josphat.  He says he is well together with his siblings.  He greatly appreciates you for supporting him and also for the beautiful letters that you have been sending to him.  He tells you that he loves them and enjoys hearing from you.  He informs you that he is progressing well with school but he is on holiday.  He tells you that it is raining and that they have planted maize and beans.  He tells you that he loves you and he ends by saying bye!

Josphat draws pictures each time and seems to really really like helicopters, since he draws them every time!


  1. I love seeing the helicopter drawing. Seems like he's a pretty consistent guy and a pretty good artist.

  2. We also just received the "My Friends" letter from our girl in Colombia! Isn't it fun to learn more about your Josaphat's friends? I love that Josaphat's best friend is special because of kindness. And what a great drawing of a helicopter!! I'm impressed with his art skills!!
