Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Letter from Lovson

In this letter, dated 1/13/2014, Lovson is answering a letter I wrote in August, where I talked about visiting a friend who lives on a farm and who has two sheep, named Periwinkle and Zinnia.

Dear Beverly Sykes,

Today I am so glad to write you this letter.  How are you?  I am doing very well, thanks to God.  What's the weather like where you are?  It's cold in my country.  Do you like hot weather?

I took part in a nice party during December at the project.  My school is going well.,  I had an average of 55.47 for the first term exams.

Thank you for the gift in December.  I bought a t-shirt with it.

Zinnia and Periwinkle are two beautiful names.  I will name my children like that.  I will give them those names.

Thank you for the photos you sent me.  I ask you to pray for me to have better grades.  May God bless you!


1 comment:

  1. Those would be some interesting names to give your kids for sure! I'm sure his future wife will have a few things to say about that, haha!
