Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shallon - Birthdate: 2/17/95

I was enjoying corresponding with Fred so much that I asked for two more correspondence kids, only asked for older children, since I know that everybody wants babies and little kids. I thought it would be nice to write to an older child.

Shallon, who shares a birthday with me, is from Uganda and lives with her mother and 3 siblings and 2 dogs. Her mother is sometimes employed as a laborer. Shallon loves singing, story telling, and playing net ball.

She lives in the hills of Kigarama and typical houses have dirt floors, adobe walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Banyankore and Bakiga and most commonly spoken languages are Runyankore and Rukiga, though Shallon writes to me in quite good English.

This is an HIV infected area. The regional diet consists of beans, bananas, cassava, rice and Irish potatoes.

She wants to be a nurse when she grows up and is currently studying English. science, social studies and mathematics.

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