Friday, February 22, 2013

Letter from Josphat

This is dated January 5, 2013

Dear Beverly Sykes,

I was named after my grandfather.
I am the 5th child in my family.  I am 250 cm tall.
The color of my hair is black. 
One thing I do really well is drawing.
The thing I enjoy doing is playing.
When I grow up I want to be a teacher.

Receive much greetings from your sponsored child, Josphat.  He received your letter with your picture.  It was just waooh!  Very beautiful.  He says he can draw more because he spends his time with his friend Leo in drawing.  He enjoyed his Christmas holiday and now is preparing himself for another new academic year.

He requests you to pray for our country as we proceed to the general election this year.

Bye.  May our heavenly father bless you.

Love you all.

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