Sunday, October 31, 2010
The World Series
I also got a couple of birthday cards that you can record yourself. Pedro in Brasil has a January birthday, so I recorded myself singing "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese (which we used to do frequently, so I'm good at it!). I still have to decide what I'm going to record for Briana in Haiti.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Letter from Esther
Hello. Esther hopes that this letter finds Beverly happy and healhty. I was glad to receive your letter and picture and read about life there. I don't forget to thank you for the folding paper you gave me. Esther will use it the best I can.
It is a dry season in Indonesia. However we still get rain and wind. I am sad some areas are affected by flood. It is a pity that their activities are disturbed.
How is your mother-in-law?
That's all from Esther.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I love the idea of micro loans because Kiva pools your money with money from other people and you get the feeling you can actually help someone without spending more than $25.
The nice thing about Kiva is that once your loan is repaid, you can reloan the money, so your actual expenditure is not as large as it might be. I've made 27 loans, helping 27 different people for really only about a $50 outright expenditure over the past 3 years. (There is also the option to have the money returned to you once it is repaid)
I usually choose women for my loans. My favorite loan was to a woman who wanted to build her gin-selling business (any gin lover is OK by me!). My latest loan is to Digna Isabel Preciado Ferrer, who is in paper sales. I figure that's like a stationery store, and lord knows I do love me a good stationery store!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Letter from Shallon
How are you and how is your life? Back to me, I am okey at school. I first thank God who has given me this chance to talk with you.
I thank you for your sweet and friendly letters which you sent me for every time. I receive letter from you. I was very happy when I saw your first letter and I was very proud of you.
I like singing the songs of Jesus, our Lord. I want to communicate with you face to face. I have seen the guys and photos of your husband, your daughter, and you. I am very happy to see your family. I have seen the California's map.
In our home we have dogs, one is called Dactan, another is called Bingo and another is called Jachan. I am very proud to hear and see in the letter that you have dogs in your home and I am very sure that you know the use of dogs in the home.
I want to know your religion. Do you have a religion in California? I am a Christian member of our church of Uganda called Kigarama church. Do you attend church servicees? I like to go to church on Sunday.
I like reading books and reading Bible.
Greetings to your children like Tom, Ned and Jeri from your friend Shallon. I love you so much because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
In Uganda we have our motto which says "for God and my country." Do you have motto for your country. In our country, Uganda, we celebrated Day of African Child on 16th June every year.
When I finish my studies I will be a nurse because a nurse is useful person and others like teachers and lawyers. In primary seven we study four subjects. These are English, science, social studies and mathematics. I like English and science but when I am reading I use English.
I want to send you a verse in the Bible. 1 Peter 2:9. It says but you're a chosen generation of a royal priesthood and I want to pray for your mother-in-law who has broken her hip.
Stay in Jesus Christ. Always remember that Jesus will reward and remains your daughter Katsusiime Shallon, If God wishes I shall meet you face to face. May God bless you.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Football for Pedro

Pedro loves soccer and says he doesn't know anything about American football, so I sent him this graphic I found on the internet. I also found very simple, basic rules for football and sent it to a Brasilian friend of ours, who translated it for me, leaving the English underneath each Portuguese paragraph in case Pedro wanted to try to see how to translate it himself. I also included a package of football player cards. I haven't heard yet if he received this and if he liked it.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I am not creative!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Letter from Pedro

Hello. How are you? I hope that you're doing well. I'm doing well with my family, thanks God. Thank you for the pictures. I was happy to get your letter.
Is it fun where you live? How is your weather there? Here it's winter and it has been very cold.
Do you know what I got with the gift you sent me? (for his birthday) I got tennis shoes and I was happy because my other tennis shoes were old.
Here in school, we are getting ready for nations' party and our classroom will talk about Japapn.
I finish this letter wishing you many blessings from God. I send you a warm kiss.
Your sponsored child, who loves you a lot.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Letter from Anjali
Anjali says that she is fine. She sends greetings in the matchless name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. She says that she is studying well. She says that she is praying for you every day and asks that you also pray for her.
She is received your letter. She is expressing very happy for your letter. She says that the little dogs are looking very nice and beautiful. She says Itsy is looking very beautiful for her. Bitsy also looking cute.
She says she is playing with Priyanka, Chamanthi and Jyothsna (her best friends).
She says that the stars are very beautiful in American flag.
She says that she have to write quarterly examination on 28th of September and she says that she will be celebrating the Gandhiji's Jayanthi on October 2nd (that's Gandhi's birthday). She says he is the godfather of her nation.
She asks you pray for her quarterly examinations. She is expressing thanks for your sponsorship.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Christmas in October
I found little gifts to send to each child with a Christmas card. There were sticker books of a Nativity scene or angel pictures printed on tissue paper that the children can color and hang in a window like stained glass. Gifts can be only made of paper and can't be thicker than 1/4" so it does stretch your creativity to find something appropriate!
I also sent Shallon a small calendar of photos from California. I heard a rumor that we can't send calendars. I can't figure out why. But I thought I'd give it a try anyway.
Next month I will send birthday cards to the three children who have January and February birthdays. I found cards on which you can record a message and I thought that would be fun.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A Letter from Fred

Dear Mrs. Sykes (I have asked them to call me something less formal; we'll see what they come up with)
Have a good day!!! Hope that everything is doing good and fine. By the way, is your grandchildren attending DVBS too? (I don't know what this is, but suspect the "BS" is Bible School). Because last May 17-21 Fred attending DVBS at Bible Baptist Church. He enjoys singing new song and listening Bible Stories. He learn a lot in 1 week activities. He met a lot of friends inside the church.
He was happy when he buy his school uniform and school supplies. He was enjoy going to the center every Saturday and Sunday. Fred now is in Grade I. He was enjoying going to school every day. He woke up early in the morning just to prepare himself because he doesn't want to be late in school.
Please continue to pray for Fred's schooling and his health.
God bless you!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I don't have a lot of information about Clarisse yet. The package says that I will receive more information when she attends her first class. But I do know that she is married and raising five children. I do not know if these are all her children, since the information I received says that "many women adopt as many as 6 orphaned children, treating every child like her own."
Apparently this is a sponsorship which lasts one year. Clarisse will join a group of 25 women who will become her support network as they "go through an intensive and life-changing training."
The letter goes on to state that "Clarisse will learn about women's rights, allowing her to take greater control over the decisions that govern her life and that of her children; she will learn technical and business skills that will allow her to sustain an income; she will receive direct cash assistance and emotional support, and on graduating (in September of 2011) she will be given access to jobs or tools to start a business."
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Esther - Birthdate: 8/6/95
The profile of Esther says she plays a musical instrument, but does not say which one.
In her area, typical houses are constructed of cement with tile roofs. The primary ethnic group is Java and the most commonly spoken language is Javanese and the typical diet is rice.
Esther, through a translator, says "I am going to a new school. I have new friends, new classes and new teachers. I hope I will be a smart person and make my parents proud."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Shallon - Birthdate: 2/17/95
Shallon, who shares a birthday with me, is from Uganda and lives with her mother and 3 siblings and 2 dogs. Her mother is sometimes employed as a laborer. Shallon loves singing, story telling, and playing net ball.
She lives in the hills of Kigarama and typical houses have dirt floors, adobe walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Banyankore and Bakiga and most commonly spoken languages are Runyankore and Rukiga, though Shallon writes to me in quite good English.
This is an HIV infected area. The regional diet consists of beans, bananas, cassava, rice and Irish potatoes.
She wants to be a nurse when she grows up and is currently studying English. science, social studies and mathematics.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Fred - Birthdate: 8/4/03

He's one of the correspondence kids, which means someone else actually pays his sponsorship, but I get to write to him. I am sorry for his real sponsor because Fred's mother, Leyla, speaks and writes English very well and writes frequently, usually at least 2 times a month.
You don't get to pick your correspondence kids, though I might have picked him anyway because his first photo was so cute.
Fred lives with both parents and three sisters. He enjoys baseball, playing with cars and playing group games.
He lives on the plains of Sitio Carolling, Brgy, La Carlota City. Typical houses are constructed of bamboo and have tin roofs. The regional diet consists of fish and rice. Most adults are unemployed, but Fred's father is a tricycle driver.
Fred's mother is very religious and is always asking me how I came to know Jesus, which is a difficult question to answer since my religion is not as foremost in my mind as it is in hers.
Leyla's letters always come with a drawing from Fred, usually of a house.

I can't financially sponsor any more children because I can probably afford one more and I'm keeping my options open for the possibility of Fred's current sponsor ending his sponsorship. I'll then have first dibs on taking him.