Saturday, May 31, 2014

Letter from Leniel

This letter is dated 3/11/14 and begins with a form about his typical week.

I typically get up at 7 a.m.  In the morning I typically take a bath.  In the afternoon I typically play with my plane and go to the park.  I typically go to sleep at 9 p.m.

Hello, dear Beverly,

How are you?  Thank you so much for each one of your letters, and for your gifts and your prayers for me.  On Three Kings Day, I was given a car and played with my friends.  How did you spend Christmas?  Please pray for me and for my family.  I love the Christmas carols.  My best friends are Jorder and Robert and I really like playing with them.  My family and I are well and I say goodbye with lots of kisses.


Look at those STAIRS!!

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